Dear friends,
I am back specially on a topic which is need of the hour for all,bacause in this haphazard world, time is running out and we are helpless, as it is said by someone that if a person is standing it means he is walking back !
Decision making is an art of mind and ability to make successful and effective decision is a fundamental requirement for both professional success and personal happiness.
An effective decision is one whichbrings about ,more or less,the state of affairs we were hoping for.
It can also bring surprising and welcome changes to our life.
I would truly say that since last 10 months it was very difficult period ,I was facing and till the clouds are their above,but I decided to overcome them and worked on myself and few other people and I landed with a solution which has started helping me and is changing my life to success !!!
Although effective decision making is so essential to all areas of our lives, from career choiced through marriage to the education and upbringing to our children, we spend relatively little time considering how to go about it, and indeed often little time actually carrying it out.
I feel that ineffectrive decision makers are fearful of taking charge of their lives,they evade and side-step, perhaps because they have never realized the importance of sound decision making,they find the worked involved tedious and skip it whenefer they can.
On the other hand effective decision makers have a spring in their step, they approach each decision with confidence,alertness and enthusiasm,yeah its my personal experience and of the mob too !
In addition they find making decision fun , take the task seriously but enjoy the challenge !!!
Decision making, I strongly believe, demands attitude !!!!
I wonder how often we all have heard someone say,with irritation,despair,or fear,'I've got to come a decision ''
Rarely is it said with enthusiasm and pleasure!!!
You will agree people have been known to live in misery and uncertainity for years rather than make a decision.
But once you /we understand the situation and with a deep breathe think about the consequences and then with firm belief make a determination , now whay may be the situation, I am not going to set back.....The result is...yes!!! Guarnteed Result...Success is yours/ours..!!!
So you soon on the topic ...Attitudes in common to make decisions..